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5 Drowsy Truck Driving Myths and Misconceptions

Oct 15

Drowsy driving can be incredibly dangerous no matter what vehicle you’re driving. However, being behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler weighing up to 80,000 pounds add a whole new layer of responsibility. Not only are you in charge of your own safety, but you’re taking the lives of everyone else on the road into your hands.

Driving while tired is one of the most common causes of accidents on our roads today, so it’s essential to be aware of the facts when you get behind the wheel. Let’s take a closer look at 5 common myths and misconceptions about drowsy truck driving.

Myth #1: Drowsy Driving Isn’t As Bad As Drunk Driving

Drowsy driving can have just as detrimental an impact as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Though many feel they can control their sleepiness and keep themselves from dozing off, that’s not always the case. Falling asleep behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler can truly be catastrophic.

Myth #2: Drinking Coffee Will Keep You Awake

While a cup of coffee may give you a brief jolt of energy and alertness, if you aren’t well-rested and simply need sleep, the crash from caffeine may result in you being even more tired than before.

Myth #3: You Don’t Need That Much Sleep

You may think you function well from a small amount of sleep—particularly if it’s something you feel you’ve grown accustomed to. However, only a full night of sleep can fully give you the rest you need for optimal performance. It’s important to note that this goes for truck drivers of all ages.

Myth #4: Turning the Music Up and Rolling the Windows Down Will Keep You Awake

Turning your music up and rolling the windows down is another quick fix that will likely only briefly solve the problem. While it may wake you up for a short period of time, you’ll still be tired. Keep in mind that when you do feel tired, it’s because you actually need rest.

Myth #5: You’ll Know When You’re About to Fall Asleep

You might feel yourself getting sleepy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to catch yourself before you actually fall asleep. Like the symptoms that come with intoxication, drowsiness isn’t something that can be controlled—no matter how strongly you feel you can power through. When it creeps up on you, the only real solution is to rest. As soon as you feel tired, pulled over into a safe area like a well-lit rest stop and call it a night until you get the proper amount of sleep.

A Note on Safety

Truck accidents can be both complicated and severe. If you were injured in an accident caused by a drowsy truck driver, it’s imperative to reach out for help as soon as possible. The experienced team of truck accident attorneys at Swenson & Shelley can help ensure you receive the support and compensation you deserve.